Wise Mari: Plushie Round

At first glance this fight didn’t seem too hard, but I found out differently when I started to try to throw teams at him.

Synopsis: You can’t let Carpe Diem live too long, else he’ll Dreadful Breath your whole team into oblivion.  Spirus hits really hard with his Arcane Blast, and as usual, being faster than your opponent is key.

Goal: To defeat the tamer with 2 pets so that Elekk Plushie can be carried through the fight.

Wise Mari’s Team

 Carpe Diem with  Grasp,   Cleansing Rain, and hu16 Dreadful Breath
ma16 Spirus with ma16 Arcane Blast,   Healing Rain, and  hu16 Soul Ward
 River with  Whirlpool Pump, and   Dive

Your Team

 Tiny Flamefly  –  Alpha Strike,  Hiss,  Swarm
 Lil’ Bling –  Inflation, ma16 Blingtron Gift Package,  Make it Rain
ma16 Elekk Plushie

Your tiny Flamefly will easily take care of Carpe Diem with a Swarm and two Alpha Strikes.  You’ll then need to immediately swap to Lil’ Bling to deal with Spirus.  When Spirus uses Soul Ward, use the Blingtron gift Package to heal yourself up at any time.  Use Make it Rain and then use Inflation for continued damage.  It might be close, but Lil’ Bling will finish off Spirus.  The last part of the fight involves setting up your Tiny Flamefly to finish River.  If Gift Package and  Make it Rain are both on cooldown when River enters the fight, just pass a turn and then use Make it Rain.  You’ll most likely die at this point.  If neither are on cooldown, start with Make it Rain.  Use the Gift Package (which will heal you because River’s underground), and then use inflation.  When you bring your Tiny Flamefly back in, make sure you are the fastest pet in the fight.  If you aren’t, use Hiss.  Constantly Alpha Strike-ing will finish off River.

Wise Mari


Goal: Defeat Tamer with optimal pets

Wise Mari’s Team:

  • Carpe Diem – Grasp, Cleansing Rain, Dreadful Breath
  • Spirus – Arcane Blast, Healing Wave, Soul Ward
  • River – Whirlpool, Pump, Dive

Your Team:

  • Crow with Alpha Strike, Call Darkness, and Nocturnal Strike
  • Scourged Whelpling with Tail Sweep, Death and Decay, and Plagued Blood
  • Snarly with Rip, Surge, and Blood in the Water

Bring your Crow in and destroy Carpe Diem with Alpha Strike, Darkness, Nocturnal Strike, and another Alpha Strike.  Swap to your Whelpling and use Death and Decay because Spirus will likely use Soul Ward.  Then use Plagued Blood and Tail Sweep your tail off.  If you make it to River with some health, congratulations!  You get to do some bonus damage to him.  Do whatever you like because Snarly will 3 shot him whenever you swap him in.  Make sure to Surge before River’s Dive and Rip before you use Blood in the Water.