Celestial Tournament: 2nd Round Walkthrough

Since I started these posts with week 3, this is the last of the Tournament Walkthroughs.  You can find the other week’s walkthroughs on the Guides and Strategies page.

There are many individual strategies to be found all over this site for those that only need help with a tamer or two, but for those of you looking for a whole tournament strategy, here is a compilation that has no overlapping pets and can take you through the tournament from beginning to end.  In this round of the celestial tournament, you’ll face off with…

Taran Zhu zhuwide

Chen Stormstoutchenwide


and of course the usual celestial elite children

  • Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
  • Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
  • Yu’la, Broodling of Yu’lon
  • Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji


Here is a list of pets to team together and to have at level 25 and at rare status.  The pets listed in green are ones you’ll definitely need, and the ones in purple are optional pets but highly recommended.  You should only need the ones in green to complete the tournament, but sometimes an unlucky miss or critical hit can wreak havoc.  It’s good to make sure to complete your teams so they have a great chance at completing.

  • (Taran Zhu) Sporeling SproutFledgeling Nether Ray, and Nether Ray Fry
  • (Chen Stormstout) Skywisp Moth, Curious Wolvar Pup, and Snarly
  • (Wrathion) Emerald Turtle, Scourged Whelpling, and Bonkers
  • (Yu’la) Mr. Bigglesworth and Flayer Youngling
  • (Xu-Fu) Unborn Val’kyr, Alpine Foxling Kit, and Cogblade Raptor
  • (Zao) Gahz’rooki, Chrominius, and Menagerie Custodian
  • (Chi-Chi) Sen’jin Fetish, Stowaway Rat, and Viscidus Globule

You can view each of the individual pets team strategies by clicking on the tamer’s name.  I complied the listing of strategies here so you can easily see which pets you’d need before you enter.

There are new strategies being formed every week (which is what makes the tournament so great), and I’ll continue to list different ways to get through it in case you’re having trouble getting a certain pet.  As always, you can easily find replacement pets by looking for pets that have the same move-set.

Happy battling!

Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji: Round 2


Goal: Defeat Elite Pet with optimal pets

Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji’s Abilities:

  • Fire Quills
  • Ethereal
  • Tranquility

Your Team:

This strategy does hinge on an ability that has a 95% chance of hitting so it should work most of the time, but we all know that pet abilities tend to miss at very inopportune times.  You can also have a Voodoo Figurine as backup with the same move set as the Fetish just in case it misses.

Start with the Fetish and just keep casting Wild Magic until you die and get your free Undead round.  You could cast Flame Breath a time or two if you wanted but it will likely just be healed back up with Chi-Chi’s Tranquility.  On your free Undead round use Rot and change Chi-Chi into an undead.  Bring your Stowaway Rat in and use Stampede.  You’re certain to have 1 round of stampeded blocked, but Chi-Chi will be under half health and slower than you, so use it again and finish her off.  If for some reason the fight isn’t over yet, you can bring in the Globule and finish her off with Weakness and Expunge.

Other Thoughts:  In a previous strategy, I used a Clefthoof Runt and took advantage of the damage buff when the Runt is under 50% health.  I was finding more and more that it wasn’t enough of a bonus to finish off Chi-Chi sometimes and I’d end up using the third pet a lot.  Using a pet with 305 speed or more is preferred so you can use your last round of Stampede before Chi-Chi heals or dodges any of your attacks.

Pet Nukem


With 15 different legendary-elite type pets in the current world to beat, it has become very useful to put together several ‘Nukem’ teams.  If you’re having trouble with any of them, give one of the teams below a try.

Legendary Elites are those pets which have the elite buff that allows them to only take 50% damage from any hit.  This means you’ll need to load up debuffs and buffs on your pet team to bring ’em down.

Classic Nukemunborn

This one has changed from the pre 5.4 days, but it’s still very effective.  Use your Val’kyr and cast Unholy Ascension.  Bring your Water Spirit in and use Geyser and Whirlpool.  Swap in Chrominus and cast Howl.  This will double up the damage on Geyser and Whirlpool (along with 25% extra from Unholy Ascension), and stun the non-critter opponent.  Use Surge of Power to finish any health that’s left.

You can also take this team and just start with the Water Spirit using Geyser and Whirlpool then on to Chrominius with a Howl and Surge of Power.  Depending on the opponent, this will be sufficient damage.

Sunlight Nukemsunlight

Start with the Lantern and use Illuminate to turn the day into Sunny Weather.  Swap to your Abyssal and Explode.  Bring in your Bombling and Explode.  If you use the H/H Abyssal (1725 health) the 2 Explodes should deal about 2000 damage.  The lantern can finish anything else off, or you can wait a turn before exploding to use Crush or Zap.

Rotting Nukemrot

Start with the Fetish and just use Flame Breath until you’re about to die.  Use Wild Magic before your undead racial extra turn, and use Rot on the actual last turn of your existence.  Bring in the Runt and use Stampede until you die.  Bring the Ram in and Stampede or you can Soothe, Chew, and then Stampede if for some reason you haven’t killed whatever you’re up against.  You can substitute the Runt and Ram with any Rat pet that has Stampede if you need a faster hitter instead of a stronger hitter.

Zandalari Nukemzandalari

If you’re going to use this Nukem, be sure and have the P/P type of pet.  They pack quite the punch, but only if all their stats are pooled into Power.  The Kneebiter and Anklerender do a great job by themselves with Black Claw and Hunting Party.  So start off with the Kneebiter and use Black Claw then Hunting party.  Leap if you’re still alive and repeat the process.   Same with the Anklerender.  Chrominius is there just because he hits hard, too.  Howl, Bite, and then Surge of Power.

There are so many teams you can put together to bring down Legendary pets, but these teams work so well in concert with each other they’re worth mentioning just by themselves because they work for so many of them.

Let me know if you have any other favorite ways to ‘Blow-Up’ pets in the comments and have fun blowing up some Legendary Elite pets!

Celestial Tournament: 1st Round Walkthrough

The current week’s tournament is the US week 1, and I finally have strategies that are reliable enough to put together the entire week.  I’m especially proud of the Pickle McLeary strategy having only to use 2 pets.

There are many individual strategies to be found all over this site for those that only need help with a tamer or two, but for those of you looking for a whole tournament strategy, here is a compilation that has no overlapping pets and can take you through the tournament from beginning to end.  In this round of the celestial tournament, you’ll face off with…

Lorewalker Cho  mrcho Dr. Ion Goldbloomthedoctor

Sully “The Pickle” McLearypickle

and of course the usual celestial elite children

  • Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
  • Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
  • Yu’la, Broodling of Yu’lon
  • Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji


Here is a list of pets to team together and to have at level 25 and at rare status.  The pets listed in green are ones you’ll definitely need, and the ones in purple are optional pets but highly recommended.  You should only need the ones in green to complete the tournament, but sometimes an unlucky miss or critical hit can wreak havoc.  It’s good to make sure to complete your teams so they have a great chance at completing.

  • (Lorewalker Cho) Nordrassil Wisp, Scourged Whelpling, and Ghostly Skull
  • (Dr. Ion Goldbloom) Celestial Dragon, Personal World Destroyer, and Arcane Eye
  • (Sully “The Pickle” McLeary) Darkmoon Monkey, Imperial Eagle Chick, and Turkey
  • (Yu’la) Mr. Bigglesworth and Flayer Youngling
  • (Xu-Fu) Unborn Val’kyr, Alpine Foxling Kit, and Cogblade Raptor
  • (Zao) Gahz’rooki, Chrominius, and Menagerie Custodian
  • (Chi-Chi) Sen’jin Fetish, Stowaway Rat, and Viscidus Globule

You can view each of the individual pets team strategies by clicking on the tamer’s name.  I complied the listing of strategies here so you can easily see which pets you’d need before you enter.

There are new strategies being formed every week (which is what makes the tournament so great), and I’ll continue to list different ways to get through it in case you’re having trouble getting a certain pet.  As always, you can easily find replacement pets by looking for pets that have the same move-set.

Happy battling!

Sully “The Pickle” McLeary

pickleGoal: Defeat Tamer with optimal pets

Sully’s Team:

  • Socks – Claw, Infected Claw, Unholy Ascension
  • Monte – Huge, Sharp Teeth!, Vicious Streak, Burrow
  • Rikki – Gnaw, Cute Face, Bloodfang

Your Team:

  • Darkmoon Monkey with Rake, Clobber, and Banana Barrage
  • Imperial Eagle Chick with Slicing Wind, Adrenaline Rush, and Lift-Off
  • Turkey with Slicing Wind, Gobble Strike, and Food Coma (This 3rd pet can really be any flyer, I just like the idea of using a turkey)

One of the problems with this fight is that when Socks dies, he increases the damage done to your team for the next 9 rounds which makes it much harder to get through the fight.  With this strategy we’ll just kill him last so he can’t do that!

You’ll start with the Monkey and use Rake and then Clobber.  Use Banana Barrage and Socks will swap out for Monte.  Use Rake to mitigate the Burrow Hit and then PASS YOUR NEXT TURN.  Monte will be back up and use Banana Barrage again.  At this point Monte should be dead and Socks will come back in.  Rake and Clobber him to make him swap out again.  Use Banana Barrage on the turn he swaps out.  Use Rake on Rikki and then Banana Barrage.  At this point you should be almost dead, so swap out to the Imperial Eagle Chick because you don’t want Rikki to heal up with Bloodfang.

Use Slicing Wind and Adrenaline Rush to finish off Rikki.  This should also make you faster than Socks so use Lift-Off to dodge the first hit from him.  Use Adrenaline Rush again to remain faster than him.  Slicing Wind until you’re dead.  Bring back in your Monkey and use Clobber and Banana Barrage.  Rake if you need it, but Socks should be finished by now.

Celestial Tournament: 3rd Round Walkthrough

There are many individual strategies to be found all over this site for those that only need help with a tamer or two, but for those of you looking for a whole tournament strategy, here is a compilation that has no overlapping pets and can take you through the tournament from beginning to end.  In this round of the celestial tournament, you’ll face off with…

Wise Mari

Blingtron 4000bling

Shademaster Kirynkiryn

and of course the usual celestial elite children

  • Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
  • Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
  • Yu’la, Broodling of Yu’lon
  • Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji


Here is a list of pets to team together and to have at level 25 and at rare status.  The pets listed in green are ones you’ll definitely need, and the ones in purple are optional pets but highly recommended.  You should only need the ones in green to complete the tournament, but sometimes an unlucky miss or critical hit can wreak havoc.  It’s good to make sure to complete your teams so they have a great chance at completing.

  • (Wise Mari) Crow, Scourged Whelpling, and Snarly
  • (Blingtron 4000) Rabbit, Pygmy Direhorn, and Fel Flame
  • (Shadmaster Kiryn) Lofty Libram, Lava Crab, and Robo-Chick
  • (Yu’la) Mr. Bigglesworth and Flayer Youngling
  • (Xu-Fu) Unborn Val’kyr, Alpine Foxling Kit, and Cogblade Raptor
  • (Zao) Gahz’rooki, Chrominius, and Menagerie Custodian
  • (Chi-Chi) Sen’jin Fetish, Stowaway Rat, and Viscidus Globule

You can view each of the individual pets team strategies by clicking on the tamer’s name.  I complied the listing of strategies here so you can easily see which pets you’d need before you enter.

There are new strategies being formed every week (which is what makes the tournament so great), and I’ll continue to list different ways to get through it in case you’re having trouble getting a certain pet.  As always, you can easily find replacement pets by looking for pets that have the same move-set.  Pets like Rapana Whelk can be replaced by something like a Rusty Snail.

Happy battling!

Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen 2: Round 2


Beating these guys in in different ways with different pets keeps it fresh.  Round 2 – FIGHT!

Goal: Defeat Elite Pet with optimal pets

Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen’s Abilities:

  • Spirit Claws
  • Moonfire
  • Feed

Your Team:

Start with the Val’kyr and use Curse of Doom and then Haunt.  Bring in the Foxling and use Dazzling Dance and Howl.  At this point, if the Foxling is dead just use Batter from your Raptor, but if you’re still alive use Flurry.  With either finishing move, Xu-Fu will be finished.

Zao, Calfling of Niuzao: Round 2


What fun is doing the collecting and leveling new pets if you’re not going to use ’em?  Round 2!

Goal: Defeat Elite Pet with optimal pets

Zao, Calfling of Niuzao’s Abilities:

  • Trample
  • Niuzao’s Charge
  • Wish

Your Team:

Start off with Gahz’rooki and use Bite twice and then Geyser.  Bring in Chrominius whether or not Gahz’rooki dies.  Cast Howl when Geyser only has 2 rounds left and Bite, Bite, Bite.  Zao should be dead.  The Custodian can finish things off if you need with Ion Cannon.

Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen


Goal: Defeat Elite Pet with optimal pets

Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen’s Abilities:

  • Spirit Claws
  • Moonfire
  • Feed

Your Team:

Use the Foxling first because he’s your setup pet.  Use Dazzling Dance, then Bite, and then Howl.  Don’t use Bite if Xu-Fu critically hit you on the first turn.  Do your best to make sure Howl is used on the turn the Foxling will die.  Bring the Spider in and use Brittle Webbing and then Spiderling Swarm.  This should pretty much take care of him, but if it doesn’t you can bring in the Custodian and Zap or Ion Cannon Xu-Fu into the ground.

Zao, Calfling of Niuzao


Goal: Defeat Elite Pet with optimal pets

Zao, Calfling of Niuzao’s Abilities:

  • Trample
  • Niuzao’s Charge
  • Wish

Your Team:

Start with the Hatchling to set up the other pets.  Use Screech and Bite then bring in your Water Spirit.  Apply Geyser and Whirlpool and then swap to Chrominius.  Use Howl to double the damage on the Water Spirit effects and then Surge of Power to finish Zao off.

Other thoughts:  I started out only using the Water Spirit and Chrominius, but I found that some attempts got my Water Spirit 2 shot and wasn’t able to put both Whirlpool and Geyser before dying.  The Hatchling assures that my Water Spirit is faster than Zao and gets to put both abilities up before dying.